Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So long......

....Mr. Bush. I respected that you were our president but I was not a fan and quite frankly, I'm elated that you are gone.

Welcome Mr. Obama. I was holding my daughter as you were taking oath and I couldn't believe how far our nation has come in electing the first black president. It made me smile. I can only hope that by the time my daughter can vote that all prejudice will be gone. This goes for race, religion, sexual preference and so on. Furthermore, I hope that you can get the House, the Senate and this nation to unite with you and help repair all that has been broken.

With Love and Tremendous Hope,
A Mama for Obama

Monday, January 19, 2009

4 weeks later

Seriously? It's been almost 4 weeks already?! I can not believe it! Things are so good. Violet is already looking so different. Here are some things that I'm learning:

-All night snooze fests are no longer an option

-Fighting the urge to smoke is at times unbearable (but worth it I know so leave your 2 cents for the beer)

-Tommy has stepped right into fatherhood without hesitation and melts my heart everyday

-Leaving the house is not as easy as it used to be

-Going to the store isn't as easy as it used to be...Do I put her in the car first? Do I load the groceries first? How do I return the cart? How do I pick up a case of soda when I'm frightened to death of taking my hands off of her? Where do I put the eggs and bread since her carseat is where they used to go?

-Violet knows Tommy and my voices and I love that!

-Other people think they know when my kid is hungry...for example:
Me-"Oh she's hungry again let me feed her real quick"
Person holding her-"She can't be hungry again"
Me (saying this in my head)-Um really?...you're her mama?...don't think so...give me my daughter...you have plenty of years to snuggle her.

-I love my daughter more and more everyday

-I love my husband more and more everyday

-I love my life more and more everyday

Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome to Motherhood Moment #1

So last Tuesday my mom and I took Violet to her pediatrician and I was feeling good so we decided to swing by Target to grab a few things. When we got there, I decided to change and feed Violet before going inside. I got her out of the car seat and laid her on the seat as I stood outside of the car. I took her diaper off when all of a sudden she started pooping. And by pooping, I mean that it was like her booty was a geyser. It looked like Old Faithful spraying poop straight out of the car and all over me. The welcome to motherhood moment was when, without even blinking, I put my hand right over her booty to block the poop. My mom and I could not stop laughing. I kept trying to get me mom to hand me a blanket or wipes or anything to help with the clean up but we were laughing too hard to compose ourselves. I managed to clean it all up and started to put a fresh diaper on when she did it all again. This time when it was all over she looked at me, grinned and fell asleep. I absolutely love this story and I really need to tell you in person because it gets quite animated :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

She's here and we're so in love

Violet Renee made her appearance December 23, 2008 at 1:49am after 14 hours of labor. She weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 19 in long. Nobody could have ever prepared me for the instant love I would feel the moment they laid her on me. Tommy and I are so in love. We feel so blessed to have this baby girl in our lives and to be surrounded by so many friends and family. We made it home for Christmas Eve so we had our first Christmas as a family :) We're getting settled in and adjusting. I already don't want to go back to work. Guess it's time to play the lottery..hahaha Here's some pictures. Of course there are many many more but I am still adjusting to multi-tasking with a baby. As I get used to it, I will post blogs more regularly.
Her first trip out.....

Our baby girl......

She has the cutest heart shaped birthmark.....

My two loves..........
Our family.......

Leaving the hospital.......