Thursday, August 13, 2009

Breastmilk be gone

I've always been an emotional person but I have never been this emotional. My baby girl has weaned. Did I do everything in my power to be able to keep nursing, probably not. But I did do A LOT. My supply just couldn't keep up. I started leaving her with the mother-in-law a few weeks ago. It was time. I just couldn't keep bringing her to work everyday. And I had to work. Have you met the economy lately? It's a bastard. A bloody bastard! Did I always want to be a stay at home mom? Hell no. But that changed when I had her. I wanted to maybe work very part time, but that bastard wasn't going to allow it. And by bastard I'm still talking about the economy. I guess even very part time would not have mattered, I couldn't keep up after one day. Good news is that Vi has taken well to formula. She only seems to miss the boob at bed time and when she's not feeling well. Speaking of not feeling well, is it just a coincidence that she gets her first illness 2 weeks after not getting breastmilk exclusively? I opt to think not. Oh well. Another chapter of parenthood written. I loved breastfeeding. I miss it. Truly, deeply, madly miss it! I'm so thankful that I was able to do it for 7 months and that it was so easy for me and Violet. And this is all coming from someone who swore her entire pregnancy that "I'm not breastfeeding...EVER!" Wow. I can't even imagine saying that now.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

This past week has been one of THOSE weeks. The air going out in my car was the biggest downer but there were others. But when I have this in my life, all those worries disappear...

The big news is that Violet is sitting up all by herself now. She hasn't figured out how to get back up after she falls though. She is growing much too fast.