Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Tommy and I have a tradition. Every Halloween we stay in to have dinner, watch a movie and hand out candy to the 4 or 5 kids that will ring the doorbell. We carve the pumpkin on Halloween and not a day before. Well, Tommy carves the pumpkin and I make the seeds. This is the last year for that tradition. Next year we'll be joining all the other trick or treaters :)

Happy Halloween all!!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ultrasound Pics

Last week we went to have the 3-D ultrasound pics done. I thought I would be creeped out by them but I'm actually amazed. I find myself looking at them a lot and getting more and more anxious to meet her.....8 more weeks now :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Friends Forever 'Til the End.

There's something amazing about growing up with someone (since about age 10) and going through so many different phases of life. From puberty and discovering boys to picking up bad, but oh so fun, habits in high school and driving illegally all over Beaumont to graduating and going through a couple harsh break ups which led to one crazy night out in San Diego ;) to finding the loves of our lives and being a part of each other's weddings to actually making babies together........

I love you Mandy O!!!!! And that lil' surfer boy!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Our computer has been crapped out lately so I haven't had a chance to sit and write anything. I'll start off by saying that I am now 29 (almost 30) weeks pregnant! I can not believe how fast this is going. I'm feeling huge and it's getting harder and harder to do normal everyday things such as painting my toes or shaving my legs. Don't gross out, thay are shaved, just not evenly :) We're hoping to get a bulk of the baby's room done this weekend. I wasn't that worried about finishing it until I realized that Lil' Mamas could be here in as early as 8 weeks!!!!! So if I pass on doing anything it's not that I don't want to but I have to stay focused and get this house somewhat in order. If you really want to hang out, you could come help me..hehehehehehehe

We have been keeping busy the last month with birthday parties, family gatherings, catching up with friends, an Angel playoff game (Tommy), watching football (Kari), etc etc. We have had a great past month actually. The only downfall is that I am horrible with a camera and have no pictures to share. But I promise you stomach is as big as Jupiter and my a** loks like Bubble Boy could live in it. hahahahahaha And I don't even care because my Lil' Mama's health is more important than the size of my a** ;)

Well I guess that's it for now. Happy Friday!!!!