Monday, November 24, 2008

Catsup? Ketchup? Just catch up....

Where does time go? Has it really been 2 weeks since I last blogged? Why yes it has. So here's what's been going on.....

I'll start by saying that our Lil' Mamas now has a name....we shall call her Violet Renee. And unless she comes out and Violet just does not fit, then Violet it will be ;)

I had an amazing shower at my mom's filled with family and friends. I am such a lucky woman to have all of these amazing people in my life. I got lucky to marry into a great bunch but more importantly Tommy got so lucky to marry into my bunch ;) It was a beautiful day and we got so many fun things. It was great to visit with everyone and catch up with each other's lives. I can't express enough how very lucky I am and how much I love each and every one of you.

After bringing everything home from the shower, I have to admit that I was a bit overwhelmed. In steps Mom and Rindi. The three of us have managed to make Violet's room, well, a room. I could not have done it without them. And I promise that I will get some pictures up soon ;)

What else.....oh sleeping is now a thing of the past. I wake up every 30 minutes to an hour. This belly has taken over the bed. Not to mention that I believe Violet does Gymboree exercises in my bladder all night. Either Tommy or myself will most likely make the couch the new bed for the remainder of this pregnancy.

I went to the doc today and everything is peachy keen. I will be going every week from here on out. I have 4 weeks to go....YAY.

Like I said before, I will get my butt in gear and get some pictures up soon ;)

Monday, November 10, 2008

A perfect weekend

I spent Friday night with the hubby having good conversation and laughs. I'm amazed at how much closer we have grown throughout this pregnancy and am so excited about becoming a family. With all our faults and differences we really do make a great team and I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Saturday night was beyond amazing. The "unshower" was really one of the greatest nights. I am so blessed to have these wonderful women in my life. I thank each and every one of you for being who you are. Over the years I believe we weed out the bad and only keep the good. Saturday night was a perfect example of the woman I have become and the women I need in my life. I'm so excited to become a mother and Saturday night made that especially clear. I love you all with my whole heart and can't wait to start this next chapter in my life with all of you a part of it.

Sunday morning I awoke at 5am because I was so excited to go through all the fun stuff I got. Tommy went to church in the morning and I sat there by myself reflecting on what a wonderful change has taken place in our lives. When he got home, we went through every little thing. It was such a great day and the rain I woke up to was the cherry on top. Oh and the delicious hot chocolate from Starbucks ;) Is there a better hot chocolate out there?

All in all, this weekend was absolutely perfect!!