Monday, January 19, 2009

4 weeks later

Seriously? It's been almost 4 weeks already?! I can not believe it! Things are so good. Violet is already looking so different. Here are some things that I'm learning:

-All night snooze fests are no longer an option

-Fighting the urge to smoke is at times unbearable (but worth it I know so leave your 2 cents for the beer)

-Tommy has stepped right into fatherhood without hesitation and melts my heart everyday

-Leaving the house is not as easy as it used to be

-Going to the store isn't as easy as it used to be...Do I put her in the car first? Do I load the groceries first? How do I return the cart? How do I pick up a case of soda when I'm frightened to death of taking my hands off of her? Where do I put the eggs and bread since her carseat is where they used to go?

-Violet knows Tommy and my voices and I love that!

-Other people think they know when my kid is hungry...for example:
Me-"Oh she's hungry again let me feed her real quick"
Person holding her-"She can't be hungry again"
Me (saying this in my head)-Um really?'re her mama?...don't think so...give me my have plenty of years to snuggle her.

-I love my daughter more and more everyday

-I love my husband more and more everyday

-I love my life more and more everyday


with love, the fishers said...

I am SO happy for you! This post made me teary eyed. I love you!

Frates Baby Farm said...

I love you and I love little Violet. You are an amazing mama and you are doing a great job! I am so proud of you!

Amanda said...

Oh, she is so beautiful. I love all things you learned. We can relate.