Thursday, July 9, 2009

Now I know why I go to Starbucks

First off let me start by saying that I usually try and get my coffee and breakfast at home before leaving for work. It saves money. But there are mornings that I'm running way behind and don't have time to make any coffee. Now if you know me, you know that I literally do NOT function until consuming at least a 20 oz. cup of java ;) So this morning was a running late morning. Usually I would run through Starbucks and grab a triple shot and a breakfast sammy of some sort. This morning I decide that I might save a couple bucks to go to McDonalds and they have lattes now so hey it will all work out. Wrong!!!

Basically the drive thru bitch should have had this name tag on:
Pissed Pictures, Images and Photos

I mean she was seriously the most miserable person I have ever dealt with in a drive thru. Seriously lady, I know it sucks that you have to work early but be thankful that you even have a damn job. Someone please give this bitch a happy pill in her egg mcmuffin.

My egg mcmuffin was delish and the coffee was decent and I did save a couple bucks but I'd rather pay that extra couple bucks and have someone be pleasant even if the Starbucks crew seems to belong to this:

tweaker nation!!! ilene!!!! =] Pictures, Images and Photos least they're not bitchy!

Happy Thursday all!

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