Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Few and Far Between

Our evenings are quite routine around here. I get home from work and realize I should have done last night's dishes well, last night. I clean the kitchen while Tommy and Violet play. Next is dinner which consists of Tommy and I trying to teach Violet that she can not share her food with the dog. Then bath time. Followed by some play time, a bottle (because I just can't get rid of it yet) and some snuggles in the rocking chair where she usually falls asleep. Well tonight after the bath, Violet and I were playing in her room when all of the sudden she went to the crib and said "up". I was shocked. So I picked her up. Gave her good night love and laid her down thinking "no way is this really going to work" Well folks, it did. She wanted to go to bed and did so all on her own!! Oh man, if this is a new thing, I'm gonna love it. Hahahaha. I laugh because we all know it's one of those moments that we should cherish because they really are few and far between.

Sweet dreams all!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2010...The year I return to blogging

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So it's been FOREVER since I have blogged and I am going to try my hardest to get back to it. I think it is a great thing to do for Violet to look back on.
So above is a collage of pics from Halloween, her 1st birthday and Christmas.
To catch everyone up, she started crawling in September and is still not walking. She says dada, mama, doggie, nana (banana), bye and hi. She'll copy what you say but those are the things that she knows and says. She has so many teeth already and the teething has not been a fun experience. She loves Mojo, our inside dog, and has become a Daddy's girl like you wouldn't believe. She has grown to love football and watches it with me and claps twice after I yell "Defense"...melts my heart
Violet continues to amaze me every single day.
I am still learning how to juggle motherhood, family relationships, friendships and work. It is unbelievably hard but I wouldn't trade where I am at for the World!
And the best news of all......
My beloved Saints are going to the Superbowl for the 1st time in franchise history....WOOHOOO