Friday, October 8, 2010

Wait...she's not a people person like me?!

*I wrote this in February and never posted it. I'm posting it now and then later will blog about her social skills to date:)

When I was pregnant with Violet I would think, as many parents do I'm sure, of what qualities she would inherit from each of us. She could have his laid back outlook on life and not my temper. She could have my love for being around people and not his social anxiety. She could have his skin and my eyes. You get the picture. Well, Violet apparantly has Tommy's social anxiety or maybe it's just a phase. But my dearest friend Mandy's son Cooper just had his 1st bday party. And this is, as Mandy and I like to enforce, Violet's BFF :) Well it was a pretty big bash and Violet was not having any part of it. She would not let me put her down. She was in tears and I went into a full anxiety attack. I didn't know what to do. I crumbled. I ended up leaving a bit early which was a bummer but I just couldn't handle myself any longer. She was great in the car all the way there and all the way home (it was in San Diego). We even had friends and their kids in the car with us and Violet didn't mind that a bit. I guess she just likes her own environment???? I was upset with how I handled the situation. She is only 14 months old for crap's sake. Oh well, maybe in time, she'll get used to different surroundings.

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