Sunday, January 4, 2009

She's here and we're so in love

Violet Renee made her appearance December 23, 2008 at 1:49am after 14 hours of labor. She weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 19 in long. Nobody could have ever prepared me for the instant love I would feel the moment they laid her on me. Tommy and I are so in love. We feel so blessed to have this baby girl in our lives and to be surrounded by so many friends and family. We made it home for Christmas Eve so we had our first Christmas as a family :) We're getting settled in and adjusting. I already don't want to go back to work. Guess it's time to play the lottery..hahaha Here's some pictures. Of course there are many many more but I am still adjusting to multi-tasking with a baby. As I get used to it, I will post blogs more regularly.
Her first trip out.....

Our baby girl......

She has the cutest heart shaped birthmark.....

My two loves..........
Our family.......

Leaving the hospital.......


Angi said...

Oh Kari shes so sweet! cant wait to meet her!

with love, the fishers said...

she is so beautiful mama! i'm so happy for you guys! love you tons!