Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Traffic Schmaffic

I have some words for my fellow travelers on the 10 freeway:

1. Not letting people merge onto the freeway causes a lot of the congestion. Stop being lame and let people on the damn freeway.

2. If the traffic usually stops every morning at around Alabama St and it has done this since the dawn of time, don't you think you should be more prepared as to not almost rear end me and end up in the emergency lane....jackhole!

3. Riding someone's ass when there is congestion will not make it move any faster.

4. Using your blinker as you're already coming into my lane does not count. I will try my best to not let you over for that. Blinker, then merge. Thank you.

5. You don't have to completely stop when you go downhill, just watching your speed will do.

6. And on that note, the same goes for a curve in the freeway. Just be cautious, you don't have to actually go from 75mph to 15.

7. And on another note of the same, when you start up a hill, you may have to accelerate a tad bit more. I'm just sayin'.

8. Hey CalTrans, maybe you could wait until after rush hour to start closing the lanes. We all know that you don't actually work once the lanes close anyway :)

9. Oh an City of Yucaipa......can you finish the Oak Glen overpass already??????

Thank you for joining me in my weekly edition of traffic complaining. Actually, I may have to make this a weekly segment. Maybe I'll pick one idiot on the road a week to talk about :)


Frates Baby Farm said...

I can't wait until Violet starts yelling at the drivers with you. Remember when Sophie started telling people, "Get out of my Mama's way!!!" I hate the freeway also. :(

Grammy said...

You have made my day!! I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. I have even brought Hank in and read it to him--the problem is ------I am probably one of those drivers!!!!

Amanda said...

Thanks for the laughs...I could hear your voice as I read it.