Friday, September 19, 2008

Just received this e-mail

And think it is perfect so I wanted to share......


Remember...a layer of dust protects the Wood beneath it.

'A house becomes a home when you can write 'I love you' on the furniture.'

I used to spend at least 8 hours every weekend making sure things were just
perfect - 'in case someone came over'
Finally I realized one day that no-one came over; they were all out living life and
having fun!
NOW, when people visit, I don't have to explain the 'condition' of my home
They are more interested in hearing about the things I've been doing while I was away living life and having fun.
If you haven't figured this out yet, please heed this advice.

Life is short. Enjoy it!
Dust if you must .......
but wouldn't it be better to paint a picture or write a letter, bake cookies or a cake and lick the spoon or plant a seed,
ponder the difference between want and need?
Dust if you must, but there's not much time . . . .
with chocolate to eat, rivers to swim and mountains to climb, music to hear and books to read, friends to cherish and life to lead.

Dust if you must,
but the world's out there with the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair, a flutter of snow, a shower of rain. This day will not come around, again.

Dust if you must , but bear in mind, old age will come and it's not kind. . .

And when you go - and go you must - you, yourself will make more dust!

Share this with all the wonderful women in your life.
It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.

Is it really Friday because it sure feels like a Monday.

I seriously had to double check the calendar because I could swear it was a Monday. This is how the day has gone so far and it's only 7 am:

Get out of bed to see a nice puddle of pee from Mojo. Oh, you wanted out? I really thought you just wanted to lick my face at 3 in the morning because you loved me. Teaches me a lesson for wanting to sleep, now I'm cleaning up pee at 5 am.

Get in the shower where I always brush my teeth but I forgot to grab the toothpaste off the sink so now I'm dripping water all over the floor to get to the toothpaste. Why don't I just brush them later?

Get into to the Tahoe, which is getting harder and harder the more preggo I get, to smell an awful smell. I smelt it yesterday afternoon but ignored it. Well this morning it was horrible. Searched for the source all the while cursing Tommy because it has to be his fault right? Nope, it's my tupperware of food I forgot about on Wednsday...ooops. Go back in the house to soak the bowl where I see my cell phone on the table. Oh, don't forget that when i go back out.

Get back into Tahoe and pull out of the driveway to see this light up across the dash "LOW FUEL". Crapola. Go to gas station where it cuts me off at $75.00!!! Ok, first of all, if gas is $100 a gallon, why do the pumps cap you off? That is lame! Yes I said lame. Second, $75.00?!?!?! I'm going tback to the Civic on Monday. Go to get my receipt because i have a huge identity theft fear. "Please see cashier for receipt" Um, no. The pay at the pump thing is to relieve me of having to go inside. So i leave anyway. Yeah, i'm convinced the identity theft suspect is at the pump right now pulling out my receipt and stealing the $10 I have in the bank...ahahahahaha

Get on the freeway and merge on over to the fast lane where i get behind that person who wants to conserve fuel by going 65 mph. Look, if you want to conserve fuel and drive slower that's fine by me. but do you think you can do it in the other 3 lanes of the damn freeway. leave the fast lane to us who drive over 75!! And another thing, even if you are going 80 in the fast lane, if someone comes up on your ass, get over and let them around you. You people are the ones who cause the gridlock!!!!! But I try to remain calm because I'm with child and all when out of nowhere Lil' Mamas throws the biggest karate session I have felt yet. I smiled thinking that her and I were on the same page. Is road rage genetic?

Finally get to work and go to take out my phone to leave on my desk. Guess what's not in my purse? Yep, I guess that little reminder I gave myself earlier, didn't now I have no cell phone and I may as well have come to work with no clothes on because that's how it feels.

At least I'm leaving a little early today. Happy Monday...I mean Friday to all!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Meet the kids...I mean animals.

This is Mojo who thinks he owns our bed.

This is Harrylupugus our ginormous tortoise.

Figaro......he always sleeps like this after doing a hostile takeover of the dogs' bed.

Deuce Bigalow, the sweetest (although not the brightest) dog ever!!

Sierra and Figaro also like to think our bed is theirs.

Hopefully Lil' Mamas likes animals and isn't allergic or we're in serious trouble ;)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Football schmootball

How how how can New Orleans give up 2 touchdowns in the last 6 minutes?!?!?!?! Blah. Well at least we can say that we were out 3 defensive starters. Washington had no there.

Hopefully the boys will come back next week against Denver!

PS...Props to Reggie Bush on his punt return TD!!!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baby Name Poll

We have a new baby name poll. I think this will be it. Ahahahaha. How many times have I changed my mind now? Copy and paste the link below to vote for the name you like better. The middle name is Renee. At least we're set on that :)

Thanks for your help!!!

Almost 26 weeks pregnant..let's catch up

(15 weeks)

(22 weeks)
Since we started this blog late in the pregnancy, let's play a quick catch up.

Finally saw a doctor at 15 weeks....everything was great! I was a great doctor for the weeks previous :) Thanks to the help of family, friends and the internet.

At 18 weeks we found out that we were having a girl.

At 20 weeks, I felt her for the first time. Amazing! Everything changed for me at that moment. Mama Bear kicked in.

Last week, at 25 weeks, Tommy really felt her kick. He thought he did a few weeks before but that night he knew for sure. He lit up. I think at that moment it became real to him.

So now I'm a day shy of 26 weeks. She's moving a lot and other people can now see my stomach move. Sleeping is starting to become rare. I wake up a lot to change positions along with the animal farm waking me up to go outside. Tommy has had to deal with a few very hormonal incidents and has been wonderful in handling them. I don't know if I would be that understanding if the roles were reversed. And to those of you who really know me, know exactly what I mean :) I had an appointment last week and everything is going great. My blood pressure is perfect and her heartbeat is just as it should be. I go again in 2 1/2 weeks and then will begin my every 2 weeks visits. I can not believe how fast this has gone. We are getting so excited to meet her. Which brings me to the name game.

To all of you who helped us with the baby name poll, thank you so much!! To those of you who didn't get it, forgive us. But I think we will be doing another one. The first one consisted of the following names: Anya, Jersie and Gia. Anya actually won with Jersie 2nd. We scratched Anya due to the jokes that come with that (thanks Uncle Roger and everyone else who thought of that) "Don't spill Anya" "I'm gonna pee Anya" and so on. Hahahahaha
Anyhoo, stay tuned for another one and this time I'll be able to post the link here so everyone can take it.

And PS: If you have anything you want to know, drop me a line and I'll post it here. I think I'm loving this blog thing. I forgot how much I love to write :)

Having no health insurance

Health insurance is a huge problem in the United States. Many people have none, us included. We weren't too worried about it upon finding out about the pregnancy because we thought we'd apply for Medi-Cal. After all, baby care is supposed to be #1. Wrong. Apparently we made too much to get help from a state that we have paid taxes to for over 15 years. Our share of costs per month was going to be as much as we made. We were so upset, pissed off actually. At this point I was 10 weeks pregnant and still had not made an appointment to see a doctor. I was my own doctor. We found a place to help find a low cost doctor and that will help in trying to find grants to pay for the final delivery. I am very happy with the doctor's office we chose. They have been wonderful in helping us get only the necessary care that we need since we are cash paying. Going through this in a crucial election year has been eye opening for us. We really need to to do something about the health care system here.

Finding out that Kari was pregnant.

Go back to April 19, 2008. A Saturday I believe. I remember thinking that I should have definitely got my period by now but thought nothing of it. Obviously this was enough to scare Tommy because when I got home from work 2 days later he had bought 2 tests for me to take. I laughed and of course looked him directly in the eye and said, "I'm fricin smoking before I take that stupid test." He laughed and said that it would probably be negative anyway. Took test #1 and saw positive sign. Screamed at Tommy to bring the 2nd one. He brought the 2nd one. Another positive. Laid on bathroom floor like a scared child and cried and screamed at Tommy and asked how the hell this could happen. Well ok, I'm not that stupid but we never planned on kids and quite frankly did not want them. But nonetheless when you use no protection you are playing Russian roulette. Well we lost that game of roulette. I was so upset and thought that if I told the whole world I would feel better and get really excited....wrong wrong wrong. All I did was end up creating a frenzy between family members, my husband, friends, co-workers, etc. It was me against the world and I knew that this was not a battle I would win. You have to remember that in a single instant my world changed. No more quadruple shots of espresso 5 times a day. No more of my beloved Camel Lights. No more of that ice cold beer after long day. So there I was. It was deal with it or be miserable. Well as stubborn as I am, I chose to deal with it and be thankful that I was able to create something that many women want and can not do. And from that moment I cherished the life I was creating even if I appeared miserable to everyone else.

New to the blog world

So we are new to the blog world but we wanted a way to keep everyone informed about us and the little one we have cookin. So here we are. Tommy and I want to do our best to keep you all up to date so check back soon for the latest updates ;) And like I said, we are new to this whole blog thing so bear with us while we (meaning mostly Kari of course-heehee) set this all up.