Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baby Name Poll

We have a new baby name poll. I think this will be it. Ahahahaha. How many times have I changed my mind now? Copy and paste the link below to vote for the name you like better. The middle name is Renee. At least we're set on that :)

Thanks for your help!!!


Barefoot Mamas' Network said...

Ha-ha! Let's try this again! I voted. Hey I also heard another name this week..remind me to tell you. Yes, I'm up at 4:49 am. The kids are falling apart. Ahhh!

Barefoot Mamas' Network said...

oh, sorry BTW I forgot to log out of my barefoot mamas's Jen :)

xoxo, Kari said...

Ok, seriously. I've been up since 5 with my kids aka Mojo and Sierra. We should just staryt taking them all to the oark for an early run...hahahaha