Friday, September 19, 2008

Is it really Friday because it sure feels like a Monday.

I seriously had to double check the calendar because I could swear it was a Monday. This is how the day has gone so far and it's only 7 am:

Get out of bed to see a nice puddle of pee from Mojo. Oh, you wanted out? I really thought you just wanted to lick my face at 3 in the morning because you loved me. Teaches me a lesson for wanting to sleep, now I'm cleaning up pee at 5 am.

Get in the shower where I always brush my teeth but I forgot to grab the toothpaste off the sink so now I'm dripping water all over the floor to get to the toothpaste. Why don't I just brush them later?

Get into to the Tahoe, which is getting harder and harder the more preggo I get, to smell an awful smell. I smelt it yesterday afternoon but ignored it. Well this morning it was horrible. Searched for the source all the while cursing Tommy because it has to be his fault right? Nope, it's my tupperware of food I forgot about on Wednsday...ooops. Go back in the house to soak the bowl where I see my cell phone on the table. Oh, don't forget that when i go back out.

Get back into Tahoe and pull out of the driveway to see this light up across the dash "LOW FUEL". Crapola. Go to gas station where it cuts me off at $75.00!!! Ok, first of all, if gas is $100 a gallon, why do the pumps cap you off? That is lame! Yes I said lame. Second, $75.00?!?!?! I'm going tback to the Civic on Monday. Go to get my receipt because i have a huge identity theft fear. "Please see cashier for receipt" Um, no. The pay at the pump thing is to relieve me of having to go inside. So i leave anyway. Yeah, i'm convinced the identity theft suspect is at the pump right now pulling out my receipt and stealing the $10 I have in the bank...ahahahahaha

Get on the freeway and merge on over to the fast lane where i get behind that person who wants to conserve fuel by going 65 mph. Look, if you want to conserve fuel and drive slower that's fine by me. but do you think you can do it in the other 3 lanes of the damn freeway. leave the fast lane to us who drive over 75!! And another thing, even if you are going 80 in the fast lane, if someone comes up on your ass, get over and let them around you. You people are the ones who cause the gridlock!!!!! But I try to remain calm because I'm with child and all when out of nowhere Lil' Mamas throws the biggest karate session I have felt yet. I smiled thinking that her and I were on the same page. Is road rage genetic?

Finally get to work and go to take out my phone to leave on my desk. Guess what's not in my purse? Yep, I guess that little reminder I gave myself earlier, didn't now I have no cell phone and I may as well have come to work with no clothes on because that's how it feels.

At least I'm leaving a little early today. Happy Monday...I mean Friday to all!!!!

1 comment:

Frates Baby Farm said...

Deep breaths my dear, deep breaths. I hope that you Friday gets better.
Love you!