Monday, April 20, 2009

F as in Frank

Dena girl tagged me with the letter 'F'. Ten things I love that begin with an 'F':

1. Family~I couldn't live without my family. I love them. And I love that Tommy and I have our own little family now.

2. Friends~Couldn't live without them either. I have weeded out the bad , kept the old, embraced the new and reconnected with some amazing friends. And........I live for coffee and talks with my girls!!

I Love My Friends in Green Pictures, Images and Photos

3. The 'F' word~I'm not proud but I am known for saying this word WAY too much. It comes out so easy for me. I don't even think twice about it. I know how bad it sounds yet it falls out of my mouth anyway. In anger management they teach you to not cuss because it tends to be "angry talk" but I'm pretty sure I say this word more when I'm calm than when I'm angry. I'm working on cutting it out of my vocabulary....for Violet's sake of course.

love the F word Pictures, Images and Photos

4. Football~Love love love it!!! I literally get so sad when the season is over. I would love Pam Oliver's job. Heck, I would love to write about it just for our local paper. Is there anything better than a cold beer on a Sunday in the fall while watching the games? I think not.

The New Orleans Saints Pictures, Images and Photos

Yes - that\'s pam oliver Pictures, Images and Photos

5. Footloose~This is my mom's all time favorite movie. In our family, it is a classic. We all know every word to the movie and every song on the soundtrack...."Loose, footloose Kick off your Sunday shoes....Please, Louise Pull me offa my knees....Jack, get back....C'mon before we crack.... Lose your blues Everybody cut footloose"

Footloose Pictures, Images and Photos

6. Facebook~What can I say? It's a great way to keep in touch with people.

7. Food~'Nuff said.

8. Fruit Roll-Up~I don't like them so much anymore, but they remind me of being a kid.

9. Fraggle Rock~Dance your cares away, Worry's for another day. Let the music play, Down at Fraggle Rock. Work you cares away, Dancing's for another day. Let the Fraggles play, We're Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, Red. Dance your cares away, Worry's for another day. Let the music play, Down at Fraggle Rock. Down at Fraggle Rock. Down at Fraggle Rock.

fraggle rock Pictures, Images and Photos

10. Four O'Clock pm~On Mon, Tues and Wed.....when I leave work ;)

1 comment:

Frates Baby Farm said...

Love me some Fraggle Rock!!! We really should have bought it when we saw the series at Barnes & Noble! Love you.