Saturday, September 13, 2008

Almost 26 weeks pregnant..let's catch up

(15 weeks)

(22 weeks)
Since we started this blog late in the pregnancy, let's play a quick catch up.

Finally saw a doctor at 15 weeks....everything was great! I was a great doctor for the weeks previous :) Thanks to the help of family, friends and the internet.

At 18 weeks we found out that we were having a girl.

At 20 weeks, I felt her for the first time. Amazing! Everything changed for me at that moment. Mama Bear kicked in.

Last week, at 25 weeks, Tommy really felt her kick. He thought he did a few weeks before but that night he knew for sure. He lit up. I think at that moment it became real to him.

So now I'm a day shy of 26 weeks. She's moving a lot and other people can now see my stomach move. Sleeping is starting to become rare. I wake up a lot to change positions along with the animal farm waking me up to go outside. Tommy has had to deal with a few very hormonal incidents and has been wonderful in handling them. I don't know if I would be that understanding if the roles were reversed. And to those of you who really know me, know exactly what I mean :) I had an appointment last week and everything is going great. My blood pressure is perfect and her heartbeat is just as it should be. I go again in 2 1/2 weeks and then will begin my every 2 weeks visits. I can not believe how fast this has gone. We are getting so excited to meet her. Which brings me to the name game.

To all of you who helped us with the baby name poll, thank you so much!! To those of you who didn't get it, forgive us. But I think we will be doing another one. The first one consisted of the following names: Anya, Jersie and Gia. Anya actually won with Jersie 2nd. We scratched Anya due to the jokes that come with that (thanks Uncle Roger and everyone else who thought of that) "Don't spill Anya" "I'm gonna pee Anya" and so on. Hahahahaha
Anyhoo, stay tuned for another one and this time I'll be able to post the link here so everyone can take it.

And PS: If you have anything you want to know, drop me a line and I'll post it here. I think I'm loving this blog thing. I forgot how much I love to write :)

1 comment:

Frates Baby Farm said...

Love you!!! What a beautiful belly!