Saturday, September 13, 2008

Having no health insurance

Health insurance is a huge problem in the United States. Many people have none, us included. We weren't too worried about it upon finding out about the pregnancy because we thought we'd apply for Medi-Cal. After all, baby care is supposed to be #1. Wrong. Apparently we made too much to get help from a state that we have paid taxes to for over 15 years. Our share of costs per month was going to be as much as we made. We were so upset, pissed off actually. At this point I was 10 weeks pregnant and still had not made an appointment to see a doctor. I was my own doctor. We found a place to help find a low cost doctor and that will help in trying to find grants to pay for the final delivery. I am very happy with the doctor's office we chose. They have been wonderful in helping us get only the necessary care that we need since we are cash paying. Going through this in a crucial election year has been eye opening for us. We really need to to do something about the health care system here.


Anonymous said...

be careful not to be obamaed/clintoned into thinking universal health care is a good thing. just think about how well more gov't is working during disasters in our area.

Faithy said...

I found you on Jen Frates blog...anyway, thought I'd let you know about a program called AIM. It's health insurance for pregnant moms and their babies through the state, for those who make too much money for Medi-cal. I used it with one of my pregnancies and it was great! The only thing is you have to apply before 30 weeks. The link for it is:
Best of luck in your pregnancy.

xoxo, Kari said...

Thank you so much for this info :)